From June 12, 2024 until June 14, 2024

By Ho Chi Minh - Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ho Chi Minh, Viëtnam

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Plastech Expo Vietnam 2024

Welcome to PLASTECH EXPO VIETNAM. Subscribe to our Newsletter. EVFTA: Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam's... Rubber market fluctuations are strong in the second... Plastech Expo Vietnam - What is it? Who are the visitors? How do I reserve the space? What is the cost? Standard Booth Package: Who is the organizer? Visit the show!

Die Vietnam Plastics Association (VPA), in Ho Chi Minh-stad op 15 Julie, het 'n vergadering vir sy lede gehou om te bespreek "Voorbereiding van maatreëls om te voldoen aan herwinningstandaarde en neigings in sirkulêre ekonomiese ontwikkeling van die plastiekindustrie".

Die Viëtnam-EU Vryhandelsooreenkoms (EVFTA), wat na verwagting in die nabye toekoms geïmplementeer sal word, sal baie geleenthede vir beide invoer en uitvoer sowel as belegging bring....

According to the Import-Export Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in the second quarter the rubber market was heavily affected by the epidemic, the geopolitical crises, the lack of containers, the high transportation costs, and the high fuel prices.

PLASTECH VIETNAM is dedicated to providing the latest market trends, growth sectors and challenges in Plastics industry.

Vind al die antwoorde op jou mees algemene vrae hieronder.

Plastech Expo Vietnam – Internasionale uitstalling en konferensie oor masjinerie, toerusting, tegnologie en materiale van plastiekbedryf vir Vietnam, wat in Viëtnam gehou sal word, is 'n internasionale uitstalling en konferensie wat 'n verskeidenheid tegnologieë, toerusting, tegnologie, materiale en oplossings van regoor die wêreld. Hierdie geleentheid bied 'n wonderlike geleentheid vir plastiekprodusente en -verwerkers in Viëtnam om hul produkte ten toon te stel, hul kundigheid te demonstreer, handelsmerkbeeld te skep en nuwe vennootskappe te vorm.